Avenue Eat and Drink

115 East Park Avenue, 32301 Tallahassee
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115 East Park Avenue, 32301 Tallahassee

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To create a loyal customer base interested in the finest food and beverage experience in an unpretentious but elegant environment. To change moments into memories through our unique and cutting edge approach to eating and drinking. To have the best service, servers and culinary team that will allow Avenue Eat and Drink to distance itself from the average and uninspired. To expand our horizons by pursuing our passion for the pairing and service of fine foods and beverages. Avenue Eat and Drink features a Southern Fusion menu with influences from FL, SC, LA and GA. Our Goal is to source 70% of our product locally and achieve a product that is 50% organic and green. We will be the restaurant of choice for the educated palate and to educate the inexperienced palate of Tallahassee. We will inspire an open innovative learning environment that is energetic and exciting for our Customers. To be known as Tallahassee’s finest dining experience in a relaxed atmosphere.

june, 2024

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