Marker 32 Restaurant

14549 Beach Boulevard,32250 Jacksonville Beach
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14549 Beach Boulevard,32250 Jacksonville Beach

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Owners of Marker 32, Ben and Liza Groshell, have a lovely unpretentious spot for dining right on the intercoastal. But their site is not the only asset to recommend them. Primarily a seafood restaurant, Chef Ben’s initial interest in local produce began with pride in the area fishermen of Northeast Florida. Much of his seafood is hand-caught off the coast of Jacksonville and delivered daily. His support for that industry has expanded to include local produce, especially from Twinn Bridges and area farmers’ markets. Marker 32’s menu ranges from Southern American field greens to Korean Short Ribs to Bahamian Conch to Italian Ravioli. All breads and desserts are made in a bakery on the premises.

june, 2024

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