13 Gypsies

887 Stockton St., 32204 Jacksonville
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887 Stockton St., 32204 Jacksonville

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13 Gypsies is located in the heart of in Jacksonville’s Riverside neighborhood. Chef Howard Kirk personally shops for local produce to bring to his interesting and ever-changing tapas/small plate menu at this Chef-family owned bistro. The chef has created a menu that reflects a heritage rooted in Spain along the migratory routes of his Gypsy ancestors. The tapas menu is very authentic, interesting, and unusual for its introduction of tastes and flavors we might ordinarily miss. Laboring to preserve traditional flavors from the Indian subcontinent through North Africa, various European countries and especially Italy and Spain make the menu sing with cultural essences that might have been lost but for this family’s dedication to their roots. There are in-house seasonal items which are highlighted in the daily “Chefs Pantry” where Chef Howard presents the seasons best from the market to your table. Honey flavored hummus, interesting homemade cheeses and breads, as well as sausages some of which, as time allows, are produced in the kitchen by the chef, his nephew-sous chef “the kid” and his mother Antonia are the pride of this cozy restaurant. Antonia is famous for her mother’s bread pudding, tres leche cake, and a most excellent flan. If feeling adventurous, Chef is very proud of his octopus. Give the gnocchi or the house salad with lychee dressing a try. The skewers of roast pork and Mango curry chicken or the fabulous beef in a dish called “Angry Bull” will satisfy every carnivore. Enjoy these with one of the fine organic wines that the chef features. The intimacy of this small family restaurant, the cooking in the open kitchen and the food prepared freshly for each order will make you feel like you’re in the family’s dining room. The Food Network has discovered this special place so be sure to make reservations for one of their 16 seats.

june, 2024

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