The Black Olive

814 S. Bond St., 21231 Baltimore
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814 S. Bond St., 21231 Baltimore

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The Black Olive Restaurant sits in quaint elegance on the cobblestone section of Bond Street in old Fells Point, and though the restaurant itself is only a few years old, the spirit from which it springs holds a story that stretches through multiple generations. The restaurant is owned by the Spiliadis family, whose passion for food as art is grounded in a basic aesthetic principle: cook your food with an eye towards simplicity and tradition, and use only the finest ingredients, no matter what it takes to find them. We are proud to serve the freshest fish, filleted table-side, from all over the world. We work hard to bring you the finest seafood available! We are proud to use organic produce, dairy products, flours, and sugars. We cherish our relationship with local farms like One Straw!

june, 2024

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