Mama Dimatteo’s

34 Kennebec Place4609 Bar Harbor
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34 Kennebec Place4609 Bar Harbor

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Chef-owned Chef-owned, Mama DiMatteos has been in Bar Harbor since 1985. Eric Olson started Mama’s as a family-style, casual Italian restaurant. It has evolved over the years with the development of Eric’s signature dish, Tuscan Tenderloin, a superb cut grilled with aromatic flavors of rosemary and fresh sage, and accented with sweet Gorgonzola butter. Ingredients of every item on the menu are treated with respect, examined constantly for freshness and excellence, and presented with a flair for harmony in flavor and color. Wholesome, and organic Eric shops the farmer’s market to choose locally grown produce, and shapes his menu to celebrate what is in season. It’s family…Most of the dedicated staff has been with Mama’s long enough to be family, and share Eric’s commitment to attentive and efficient service, and fine food.

june, 2024

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